Wizzie the Beaver Cub

We went out for lunch yesterday to Rufford Old hall and had a really delicious Lancashire hot pot ,followed by apple crumble, a winning combination if ever there was one. Then in an effort to perhaps wear off a few of those calories,we walked through the lovely grounds to see the autumn colours on the the plants and trees.
Then we went off for an hour to Martin Mere to see the pink foot geese that have flown in ,in their thousands for the winter. it is an amazing sight and sound with them all calling as they suddenly take to the skies.
While we were there we saw the beaver cub that was injured by his parents or siblings last year and has been nursed back to health by the staff there. He likes to come out in the afternoons for exercise and a play. He is so big and this took me by surprise but a very endearing creature he is and doesn't seem to to mind all the attention. He will not be able to rejoin the others, so they have to decide what next for WIZZIE!

The garden is smothered in autumn leaves, it's always a big job each year to clear them but I bag them up and leave them to rot down a year or two and then have a great soil conditioner at least for all the hard work!

Peter has been really busy and made the cats a lovely cosy area in the greenhouse for the winter, now if they could just remember how to use the cat flap again all would be great!
Bebe the big un does although I half expect him to become lodged in the doorway... oh well!


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